It's Now Easier for Residents to Build ADUs
Salt lake city passes new ADU Ordinance
New Rules
- Only one accessory dwelling unit is allowed per property. The homeowner must also remain on the main property that has such a unit, aside from a few exceptions.
- There is no maximum size for internal accessory dwelling units. The previous rule capped these at 50% of the principal structure's gross square footage. Detached units may not exceed 1,000 square feet in floor area. Detached accessory dwelling units can now be as high as 24 feet with an increased setback, matching the maximum allowed before but only if it was as tall as the primary structure. Such units are capped at 17 feet in height if the setback is 10 feet or less from the corner side lot line. The structure must also be 3 feet from the interior side or rear lot lines.
- Accessory dwelling units can't be used for short-term rentals, such as Airbnb.
- There's also a new alley activation requirement, where accessory dwelling units next to alleys must include lighting to light up an alley segment.
- One parking spot is required for an accessory dwelling unit unless it's a quarter-mile from a public transit stop or a half-mile from a city-designated bicycle lane or path or is in a zoning district with no minimum off-street parking requirements.
KSL News
Click here to read the news article on KSL.
Click here to see the ADU Text Amendment.